
Friday, April 29, 2011

Makeup Tip # 1: How Do You Apply Your Foundation?

So, a little while back I saw this demo and it completely changed how I applied foundation, and made me aware. I wanted to share this tip with my followers and see what you all have to say about it. 
I posted this about two days ago and have had some interesting responses. Some, like me, have found that this was extremely helpful in explaining how foundations are applied in each way. Especially for HD photography/film. And others have questioned it by saying that it is different on skin and that if you wet the sponge, it won't suck up the product. 
My 'argument' over that is that, yes, even though it is not on the skin, it is a clear way of distinguishing application. Also, for the amount of product waste, waste in general from usage of many sponges and money spent constantly buying new sponges, you might as well buy a good quality foundation brush that can be used over and over with no waste!
You be your own judge though, let me know what you think and let me know how you apply your foundation and why it works for you!


  1. love our demo! very helpful. i am so glad you did this!

  2. OMG!!!! I love this video!! im going to share your video link with my followers!I used all 3 ways, including using a duo fibers brushes. I never ever could have imagine how much product is wasted with those triangle sponges! AMAZING POST!!!

    you are so pretty!

  3. Amazing! I usually switch up from a wet sponge to a foundation brush, but actually seeing the difference is pretty mind blowing.

    Great video hun and keep up the great work!

  4. I live by my foundation brush - a good quality brush may cost a few pennies however the results are dramatically better.

  5. Nice job. When I do makeup on my clients I only use synthetic brushes when applying foundation....since synthetic transfers the product easier. If you use a brush with real hair it absorbs the foundation and leaves brush strokes on the face. I especially love Sephora's new HD foundation brushes since it has a round tip to it. Have you tried their new HD concealer brush? LOVE LOVE LOVE! I've been doing airbrush on myself however. Loving my Temptu machine. YAY you're on YouTube. I'm going to add you. I'm on YouTube as well. My username is QueenLeilani.


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