Oh, the beautiful and talented Jennifer Lopez.... she is making a HUGE come back in her career! And you know what? Great for her!
I was super stoked when I saw her newest video - On the floor recently. I was definitely in awe of her beauty and her makeup! She looked stunning with only bronzed skin and bronzy eyes.
I, of course wanted to try the makeup out for myself. And thus, a makeup tutorial. Now, before you say "this doesn't look like her" or "this doesn't look like the makeup she has on", I have to say one thing: I was INSPIRED by her makeup, I was not planning to create it to the very shade of the eyeshadow. I think my version turned out pretty well. I was super pleased with it.. unfortunately I had nowhere to go on the day that I filmed this. So I wore it to the veterinarian (Michi and Lima needed their shots). With the lashes on the bottom I definitely got some stares and smiles, but no disgusted looks.I created this look with no name brand eyeshadows, just simple makeup that I have had from makeup school. And you know what's awesome about this look, I am sure the EVERY girl has brown or taupe eyeshadows that they think are boring... but this is a way to spice it up :) I really hope that you enjoy!!
Let me know what you think in a comment below!
looks gorgeous, love the lashes
I like how you put on the lashes on the lower lasline! Beautiful look as always.
Wow, you did an amazing job! =)
i absolutely love your version of the look, it's gorgeous!! and suits you so well! :)
Mari <3
AMAZING!!! I finally watched the tutorial and i agree with you much better then the other.
Thank you everyone :) you are so kind!!!
amazing job you matched it to a t
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